I meant to post about my trip to New York sooner, but I wanted to put together an awesome video with music and tons of photos!  After a weeks worth of messing with Adobe Premier, I threw that idea out the window and here I am!  Blogging about it the "easier" way and just posting photos. I am very new to video editing software, but I'm sure one day I will get the hang of how to use it. In the mean time, below are some of the many photos I took while in NYC. If you need a recap on how I won this trip please click here . When I have completed the video I will update this post :)


Meet my sister Valeria (aka Valerie, aka Val)!  We Were so excited to go on this trip! It's one of those things you hear about but never know it could actually happen to you! I was very grateful all throughout, and didn't take anything for granted.


So the reason why I am posting photos of our hotel room is because it is the most cramped and smallest of space hotel room I've ever stayed in! I had always heard living spaces in NYC were cramped, and this hotel room was as close as I got! Notice the floor plan with only 6 rooms on this level! #shocker Nonetheless, it was cute and comfy and at least I had a place to rest my head at night.


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My sis contributes for a website called where she expresses her opinions about movies and why you should or should not see it. Hence why she got excited when she saw "The Flash" billboard :-P She's pretty hilarious!

The Pregame.

Because the little cooler the hotel provided, wasn't enough. :p

Obsessed with these cups! <3

"I mustache you a question..." haha! #corny


For those of you looking to find cute, intimate wine locations... I would highly recommend Wine Escape !  Also check out Gallo Nero and/or Riposo 46 , which was the second place we stopped for some wiiiinnneee....



Once we were up, we were on our way to meet our tour guide as we signed up for a 6.5 hour tour with Real New York Tours!

Also where we first got introduced to this monster. The Subway.

Waiting for our Tour Guide :)

First stop as a group, Times Square... for the millionth time... lol jk. I really enjoyed how the guide was so informative with New York's history and how it came to be.

Did you know???...

....This is the largest screen in the nation! The second is at our beloved Big Screen at the AT&T Stadium... <3 #gotexas

Granted my mom her wish and took (several) photos of where "Good Morning America" takes place.


"We will rebuild! We will not let the terrorist win!" -Nathan, Real New York Tours

There was actually 7 trade centers surrounding the World Trade Centers. The media only covered the 2 WTCs that were attacked and demolished, but they lacked to mention the surrounding trade centers and other buildings that were damaged. New York City is in the process of re-building one trade center to make it the tallest building once again. The picture shows one trade center left standing. This trade center was half the size of the Twin Towers.

This is the most heartbreaking moment throughout the whole trip for obvious reasons. At the same time, there was no way I was leaving NYC without paying my respects to the millions of innocent people who lost their lives September 11, 2001 at this beautiful memorial site. This is also when our tour guide informed us that they are trying to move away from the phrase "Ground Zero" because of the indication that there is nothing there, gone, vanished, demolished, nada. So for the record, it's "The 9/11 Memorial" .

(When I asked a group member of the tour this question)

Me: "So, you live in Australia. Did 9/11 impact you the same way that it has impacted us in the U.S.?" (asking curiously) Man: "The U.S. is a prestigious and strong country everyone looks up to. Everyone wants to live here. My wife and I didn't even want to turn on the television."

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Things I stumbled Upon




Ferrara Cafe 

Family owned and operated since  1892 and they have some of the best pastries and gelato!

Got a head start before I took the pic ...


Pit stop to visit Heath Ledgers Loft. Can't remember if it was the 2nd window to the top right, or below it. Nonetheless, it was awesome to know he lived there.

Delicious pizza at a great price! Located in Greenwich Village. Bleecker Street Pizza is a place to get a quick bite to eat.

This one is the slice that came out in the Food Network (can't remember what it was called but it was sooo good! )

And if you are ever in NYC and stop by this place... Tell Greg this gal from Dallas says "HI" and show him my picture.... haha.

Greg made us feel much at home <3 THANK YOU GREG!

More monuments of George Washington

Do you all remember the show "Friends?" Well this is where Central Perk Cafe took place...


This is the only spot in the whole park that has a long straight-away. This is why a lot of movies are shot here because its straight up and down and makes it easier to film.

Other interesting sites along the way...

Plaza Hotel


Purposely shaped in a 'Tear'... this park had his ashes spread all around because he loved New York City so much.

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Not the best clip, but I did get a little glimpse of the "Imagine" mosaic mural on the ground.




If you want to see the Statue of Liberty, seriously... take the Ferry! It's free and you get great views!

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She was beautiful! Seriously. <3 #landofthefree

... back to my Meet and Greet with Tim Gunn!! :D

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I was SOOOOOO nervous!!!! I even made myself a list of questions to ask him in case there were any "awkard silences" but being the wonderful person that he is, there was no dead air :)

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"Fashion...what you wear is how people perceive you." -Tim Gunn

I have always been a person who is in the middle of caring what others think, while at the same time I don't. I guess we are all afraid of being judged, rejected, or intimidated on trying something new. This blog is my "something new". That day Tim told me so many wonderful things! He knew about my blog and a little about me. We touched on many topics, fashion being one of them ;-) . The meet and greet was supposed to only  be 30 minutes, but it was more like an hour! At the very end , Tim asked me for my contact information. While I was still nervous I wrote my personal email down, a bit chicken scratched, haha. He repeated my email back to me to make sure it was correct.

SORRY TIM! I was nervous and didn't have any surface to write on! Whether Tim sends me an email or not, I am very flattered and  humbled that he would even want my contact info. Tim if you are reading this, I'm still waiting for your email ! lol  :) :) :)

Quick shout outs and thank yous. I want to thank Courtney for letting me know about the #transitionstrendsetters contest with Transitions lenses, and for Vuman Photography for helping me during phase 2 of the contest to take photos. I honestly would not have even had this opportunity if it weren't for these people!  Seriously, it's not everyday I win an awesome prize that included airfare and hotel. So yes, HUGE thanks! Also, thank you to Transitions lenses, supporters and sponsors for coordinating this amazing, once in a lifetime event. I swear, even if I have Alzheimer's I won't forget this!  I especially want to thank my boyfriend, Ivan. He knew that I wanted to give this 'silly' thing called blogging a try and would take all my photos in the beginning. Ladies, you know when your man supports what your most passionate about, he's a keeper ;-) I love you for that and more <3

I hope you all enjoyed this blog! I realize it's long, but what can I say... I had a great time! NYC I will see you again in the future! #adios

XOXO Vanessa

P.S. I also got to see the Broadway show "An American in Paris" and it was fantastic! No one was allowed to take photos so here is my sisters review on the show and tips on where to get the best deals on Broadway shows while in New York! Enjoy!