Welcome to My New Website!

Hello All!

I am so excited to share with you the new look to Vanessa in Dallas!

After completing my first year of blogging back in March, I made a promise to myself that I would find a web designer to help me revamp my website. There were a few ups and downs along the way, but I am very pleased with the overall look and I could not have done it without the patience and creativity of Chelcey Tate. Thank you so much Chelcey for everything! 

I hope you realize that at this point, I am very serious about blogging. The first bloggers I ever encountered were Dallas Wardrobe and Wendy's Lookbook, and I thought to myself... I can do that. Little did I know that there is SO MUCH MORE to blogging that what the eyes see. I have noticed lately some friends on Facebook that want to blog, and my only hope is that they are successful, as it can be very intricate and practically like a second job. If you want to know more about what I learned within my first year of blogging, read my post here! 

My intentions to blog are never to become "famous". I don't really care for that. I always felt that I needed another outlet from just working a 9-5 job. If you have been keeping up with my posts you'll realize I have mentioned this before, and I firmly believe that everyone has a creative outlet that they should explore. This is my creative outlet and it brings me happiness when my full time job becomes stressful. Some people workout to relieve stress, I write and express myself through photos of outfits and life events. Simple as that.

Some things that you might see different on my website are the categories section. Not only will I continue to post about Fashion and Lifestyle, but I want to finally explore and reach audiences that are Spanish speakers. English is my first language, but I don't want to completely forget about the Spanish that I do know! The "Vanessa en Español" section is for just that! I will also slowly put together a list of places to eat, hang out, and things to do while in Dallas under "The Best of Big D City Guide." As I enter my 4th year living in Dallas, this is a great excuse to venture out more!

Finally, the "Shop" page will be a way for you to shop my outfits! I have had people before comment or message me asking "where did I buy this or that" and I will finally have one place where you can find it all! 

I hope you like the new site! Feel free to send me a message if you'd like for me to discuss any particular topics, or anything you'd like for me to blog about. I'm open to new ideas and suggestions! 

Thank you for sticking around!