My Sister to the Second Power

Here is the news! 

Tomorrow afternoon my sister will inherit a new last name, and it will be similar to mine. As a matter of fact, we will still share the same initials as we have had our whole lives. My mom never gave us a middle name and we all start with V's so we all had the same initials. 

How is this happening? 

Well I will tell you. 

In December 2015, my sister and I were at a friends Christmas company party in McAllen. I was in town visiting for the holidays of course. Over the years, my sister Valeria (aka Valerie or Val) has become more of a friend and someone to hang out with considering my other friends have their own families to attend to. So now when I come home, the people I hang out with most is family and Val whom I go out with. 

Latina Sisters

The night was still young when we went to the company party, and I knew my husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) was hanging out with his brother at a local bar. We both decided to join them considering we were dressed, and still wanted to do something. That was when my sister first met Ivan's brother Omar. Mind you, Ivan and I had been together already for about 3 years, and they had NEVER MET until then. In their defense, they were both in separate relationships so there was never really an opportunity or reason for all of us to ever hang out together in one room.

Extra info! They technically could of met at my 90s themed birthday party I had in my first and old apartment when I was still living in McAllen. BUT let's just say it's much better than they didn't! My sister was there, and Omar ended up not showing up. Things happen for a reason ya'll! 


Honestly, we had a fun time that first night we all hung out. I mean, who better to hang out with then your boyfriend, sister, and his brother who I had also known for a long while. We all went out a few more times after that night, and needless to say, Omar and Valeria got along so well. A little too well actually, that tomorrow they are officially getting married! 

Yes! Valeria will be my sister to the second power!!!

I honestly was not always this enthusiastic about my sister dating my boyfriend's (now husband but you all get it) brother to be honest. The main worries were, what is their relationship didn't work? Would it end well? What would his parents think of my sister? Would Omar like my own family? If it didn't work out, would they be ok in knowing of each other the rest of their lives? By the time I asked myself this last question, it's because it was clear Ivan and I were bound to get married soon. 

Sisters and Brothers

Bringing this topic to present day, I honestly have seen a growth in my sister personally since she has met Omar. Omar is very kind, gentle and supportive. Something my sister has never had. She can be more aggressive, blunt, and sometimes doesn't have a filter, which at the same time makes her unique :) It is true though, that when you find "the one", they bring out the best in you. Valeria today is more calm and patient. Not the Valeria that existed before she met Omar. As for my brother-in-law, I'm sure Omar knows more of what Valeria has done for him as far as his personal growth than me. However, one thing for sure and that's that she has given him her heart. I'm so glad too! He totally deserves to be loved to the fullest! There is nothing more bliss than giving all your love to someone and totally 100% receive it back. 

So tomorrow they walk down the isle, and what I really think of now is how much fun we will all have together in the future. While I was hesitant with the idea of them dating in the beginning for the questions mentioned previously, I am now extremely excited for the future! I literally found out this morning that our future kids will be "double cousins" (look it up its a real term)! We have already said that we want to plan abroad trips together, and to be completely honest, when we all go out its way much more fun! 


No one in both of our families I don't think, ever planned that two brothers would marry two sisters. It's the coolest thing, and both of our families couldn't have been more happy and excited! 

Thanks for reading :) 

Vanessa in Dallas