Chic Open Front Reformation Dress

Chic Open Front Reformation Dress

This is one of the few posts that I write, where my regularly budgeted $50 and below is thrown out the door! 

At times I like to splurge on a dress, bag, or shoes mostly. Accessories such as jewelry come in lots of styles that I like to always keep those pretty affordable so I'm able to purchase a variety. This dress by the Reformation is a style that I have never owned before but always wanted to try! The material is perfect for the extreme Texas heat that we get here. It's a dress that is keeping me fresh, 

Reformation Crete Dress
Reformation Crete Dress
Reformation Crete Dress
Reformation Crete Dress
Reformation Crete Dress

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Next time you're in for a Splurge, take a look at Reformation. They also have a wedding section for both brides and bridesmaids! 

Vanessa in Dallas, Dallas Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger