In-Home Massage with Zeel

In-Home Massage with Zeel

Happy Weekend!

I feel like this post is the perfect blog to read over the weekend because it has to do with relax and de-stressing! Don’t we all do a little bit of that here and there? I sure hope so.

In honor of Stress Awareness Month, I connected with Zeel who offers at-home even same-day massages ranging from Swedish massages to deep tissue, sports, prenatal, massages for sleep or even a couples massage…all done AT.HOME!

Vanessa in Dallas- In Home Massage Service In Dallas
  1. Download the App

    It’s super easy to use. First you download the ZEEL app and register your information to set up your account.

  2. Choose the date you want a masseuse to come out to conduct the type of massage you want. I chose the sleep massage because I tend to wake up several times during the night (it’s become habit), so I wanted to relax to get a good nights rest. Needless to say I was ready for bed at 8:30pm but knocked out at 10pm getting about 9 hours of much needed rest. It was a great way to start my weekend that’s for sure!

  3. Relax! Once you have booked your masseuse, all you need is a large white blanket, 2 pillow cases to have on hand as preparation and that’s it! Your masseuse will arrive with all the rest!

Vanessa in Dallas In Home Massage Services in Dallas

I love how professional the service was, the ease of booking an appointment, the quality of the massage (it’s officially the best massage I’ve had!), and how what a good night’s rest I received because of it. If you haven’t gotten a massage in a while, consider booking with Zeel. I am also offering a code that you can use promo code "VANESSAINDALLAS" which can save you $20 off your first massage!

And if you’re still not convinced on why you should get a massage, here is an article I found stating the health reasons why you should!

Which type of massage will you choose?

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Vanessa in Dallas Fashion and Style Blog