34 Pieces of Advice for my Younger Self

I celebrated a birthday this week!

Yep- one year older! While some people dread getting older, admittedly I’m becoming OK with it. I think that our society puts a lot of pressure on age and youth and almost see getting older as fragile and negative. While there are other countries that honor the ages, we try to preserve our youth and looks as much as possible. I am simply grateful to SEE another day. To LIVE another year with my husband, my family and enjoy LIFE. As I turn another page in my book, I thought about the advice I would give to my younger self and reflected back on different stages. Here are the 34 pieces of Advice for my younger self. Maybe some of you can relate!

Vanessa in Dallas Blog- 34 Pieces of Advice for my younger self

34 Pieces of Advice For my Younger Self

  1. Don’t sweat the small stuff

  2. Cherish moments with loved ones

  3. Who cares of what other people think of you

  4. People are going to say no or reject you & it’s ok

  5. “Failures” are a learning experience 

  6. Mom is right

  7. You WILL overcome life toughest challenges (you are resilient)

  8. Listen to your instincts

  9. Love your siblings no matter what- they ARE your family and support system 

  10. True friends are there for you no matter what

  11. True friends do not judge you but support you

  12. Long term friendship takes work from both parties 

  13. If there is something you will keep from Your mom, then don’t do it. 

  14. Do not waste your time on someone who is not willing to put in time for you.

  15. Remember that everyone’s job is important. You are not above anyone else. 

  16. “Kill them with kindness” - works! 

  17. Don’t wait to make things happen for you- take action

  18. Include activities that keep you in the present 

  19. If you’re not growing or learning, don’t be afraid to leave (work or relationships) 

  20. Develop friendships beyond your work environment 

  21. Stay humble

  22. Give & expect to get nothing in return

  23. People will have different opinions, learn to be ok with it and them

  24. Don’t stress over not having your career path figured out (or life) 

  25. It’s ok to start over

  26. Believe in yourself & follow your talents

  27. Self-awareness is a great thing to have

  28. Every life experience, good or bad, is not wasted

  29. Trust yourself, trust in timing 

  30. What you do, or who your become AFTER high school, is more important than who you were and what you did while in h.s. 

  31. Seek opportunities even if it’s outside your comfort zone

  32. Take risks (as an opportunity or challenge) 

  33. Don’t compare yourself to others 

  34. And YES, you ARE beautiful 💓 

What other pieces of advice would you give your younger self that are NOT on this list? Let me know below!

Vanessa in Dallas Blog