Women who Influence: Ameerah Host of Brunch and Slay Podcast

Women who Influence: Ameerah Host of Brunch and Slay Podcast

August is black-owned business month and I wanted to attribute to this month with a special interview with an incredible woman you NEED to know. I am thrilled to be interviewing a woman who has a lot of influence and impact on what she does for her business, Brunch and Slay Media. I met Ameerah when I was part of a workshop with the Hey Chica Movement, and she impressed me with how she carried herself, her ability to entertain and educate, inspire but be bold, and make everyone feel welcomed as you are. She truly is someone who wants other women to succeed, which is what makes her podcast extremely well curated and up-lifting. Ameerah is a mom, a wife, a beloved family member, an entrepreneur, and a leader and someone who will inspire you to be your best self and live up to your potential.

Ameerah Host of Brunch and Slay Podcast

Tell us about you and your podcast! What is Brunch and Slay?

The Brunch and Slay podcast is something I'm really proud of. I like to think of it is a stage for women. Each week I interview women and the occasional male. We talk about their life and journey in business and how they've navigated the world to create the lives and businesses of their dreams. Brunch and Slay began as a pop-up event series four years ago. I started it in hopes of creating a space for women to connect in an organic way while having engaging life experiences. Since then, we've found our way through podcasting, courses and occasional events.

What are 3 words to describe being a (woman, black woman) Entrepreneur?

Underestimated- as a black woman, I am often underestimated. It's abnormal for me to have to list my credentials to be taken seriously. Unfortunately, many people only judge African Americans by what they see on television and reality TV, which is obviously not true representation of an entire race or culture.

 Ambitious- I have big dreams and aspirations for myself. I have to expect great things of myself to stay motivated. As an entrepreneur, creativity and dreams are what inspire us to take the leaps that make most people uncomfortable.

 Unstoppable- What can I say "I'm all the way up, nothing can stop me" I kid but I understand that failure is not an option for me.

What Motivates You?

My dreams keep up at night they wake me up in the morning. I know that they are attainable because I've been blessed enough to have chaced one dream after another my entire life. From going to college to buying my first home, each accomplishment has built my confidence in my capabilities. 

Words (or sentence or quote) of advice to give to aspiring women entrepreneurs?

If she can, I can, We all can (is my quote) This is my mantra, it means don't give up, don't be jealous, don't compare or covet another woman's journey. Instead, be inspired by women who reach new heights and use them as a blueprint to make your dreams come true.

How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?

It has been great, I'm more available because I can stop and be focused or present when my family needs me without in repercussions from anyone.

How do you generate new ideas for your podcast or business? 

The podcast is a great place; I'm thankful to have people reach out to me and pitch new show topics all the time. I also look at our current climate and draw inspiration from it.

What are some of the challenges you have faced with being an entrepreneur? Have you had a supportive community? 

The number one challenge I faced; in the beginning, was monetization, I was not sure how to do so consistently or how to scale my business to become more than a one-woman show. It took a lot of planning and consistency to find my way.

My tribe has been amazing, my husband and mother have been my biggest cheerleaders stepping in to help me continuously which allows to keep planning for the future without the fear of dropping the ball in my personal life.

Being a black woman in business, do you feel this has had any major impact (positive or negative) on your success? 

Being black is definitely a huge part of my business; it's something that most people see before they see my business, so I've learned to embrace it. I'm sure it's been a roadblock for some partnerships, but thankfully I've been at this long enough to keep moving anyway. I'm laser-focused on who I'm here to serve so I'm no longer offended by those who are interested in what I'm building. 

Owning this reality has helped me to stay focused. As much as I wish it wasn't true, it's just not the hand I was dealt so I move forward with a clear understanding that I will always have to operate in excellence in order to be taken seriously. I do it so that the next black woman entering this realm will have me as a resource and ally.

What would you say are the top skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

You have to always be willing to learn and build upon your skills. Technology is ever-changing, and we cannot afford to become complacent.  Collaboration is key; you will not build or scale your business without solid partnerships; working with others in business is a great way to build and boost your brand's visibility.

What activities would you recommend entrepreneurs to invest their time in? (certificates, tools, experience, etc)

Thankfully there are a ton of great affordable e-courses out their now. Supporting experts that you admire by taking their course can be extremely helpful. They often have Facebook groups that you can tap into for support as well. I say take the webinars, read the books and ask the questions.

Who has been your greatest inspiration?

My mother is my role model. She has shown me my entire life what commitment and dedication can do for you and your dreams. She has shown me the power of consistently representing your brand and sharing your wins and how they pay off over time. I would have never known I could make it as an entrepreneur, were it not for my mother being an example. I never thought that I could not make it work because I'd watched her do it for decades.

I hope you enjoyed learning from Ameerah! I encourage you to follow Ameerah @brunchandslay on Instagram , visit brunchandslay.com and also subscribe to Brunch and Slay podcast .

Vanessa in Dallas- Latina fasion and lifestyle blogger